Who is your “valentine”?

Hey guys! I hope everyone had a good “snow holiday” this week and stayed safe and warm! Did anyone run out of milk? We did! But we had plenty of other things. Thankfully this time my husband did not have to spend the night in a hotel because he couldn’t get home from work! He stayed home this time! I hope you all were safe inside your homes and warm! I know a lot of people lost power, I hope that it has returned and people’s homes are again warm and toasty! It’s kind of odd to celebrate Valentines Day when there is snow on the ground and ice on the pavement! I do not ever remember a Valentines Day when it snowed! But there is a reason for it, as there is for everything that happens! If you do not have a per say “valentine” today I want to let you know that God will always be your “valentine” along with your best friend, savior, hope, comfort, courage and anything else you need! I used to say that “God was writing my story” to which my husband once replied (I was in like 9th grade) “Whats in the next chapter?” I know, sweet right? On all those Valentines Days when I didn’t have a boyfriend I wish I could go back and remind myself that God was my Valentine! If I could I would in a heartbeat. God is the only person who looks at our hearts, sees all the ugly, black sin in it, and loves us all the more!! So if you’re down and sad today, let me remind you that God is always there for you and He will happily be your “valentine” today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life! Happy Valentines Day! Remember, God loves you more than anyone possibly could imagine!

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